Check In 3.0 Released
Update 9/23/15: Some churches have reported that the web service breaks the ability for any browser to print. Based on this feedback we're choosing to not officially support the web service fix. You're welcome to try it at your own risk but for now the recommended approach would be to use a compatible browser (FireFox, Safari, or Internet Explorer).
We're excited to announce the official release of our new check in system. While the interface remains primarily the same, two critical updates have been made (which we previously mentioned when announcing the beta of this release):
1. Increased speed when checking in large lists of people on mobile devices
Previously, check in would slow down significantly if large lists of people were loaded into the check in page. This problem was magnified if the check in device is less powerful, such as a smartphone or tablet (compared to a laptop or desktop). This update fixes this by putting the burden of filtering on the server rather than on the client's device. This means an iPhone, Android tablet, or even a Kindle should be capable of checking in people from a list of thousands. Note that this is in effect only if the check in page is in "Search Mode" rather than "List Mode".
2. Printing Labels on the latest version of Chrome
NPAPI has been used for years to allow browsers to perform advanced features - one of which included printing a name tag when someone is checked into Breeze. Yesterday (Sept 1, 2015) Google released their new version of Chrome (v. 45) which discontinued NPAPI support for reasons you can read about here. We've updated check in to no longer be dependent on NPAPI.
While FireFox, Safari, Edge, and Internet Explorer users do not need any updates, if you'd like to continue printing from Chrome, you'll need a few things:
Update 9/14/15: Edge will require this update as well.
DYMO is hard at work to make Chrome compatibility even better (more details here). For now the two biggest limitations are the inability to use Chrome on a Mac for printing and that printing doesn't work over an HTTPS connection (we've updated the check in portion to use the HTTP protocol instead). Assuming DYMO adds this support in which we expect them to, we'll plan to add it into Breeze as well.
Again, if you're using FireFox, Safari, or Internet Explorer, you do not need to change anything - this only pertains to the Chrome browser.
We hope the increased speed as well as support for the latest version of Chrome will serve you well. If you see any ways we can make this even better, don't hesitate to let us know in the comments below.
We'd love to show you what we built!