Fostering a Culture of Generosity in Your Church

Read to discover strategies that can help transform your church into a hub of generous hearts.

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Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. (Luke 6:38)

Generosity is more than just an act; it's a mindset. In many ways, it's contagious—create a culture of radical giving within your church, and you might just find your community brimming with joyful givers. However, building such a culture is easier said than done. So, how can you cultivate a community that not only gives but loves to give abundantly?

Read on to discover strategies that can help transform your church into a hub of generous hearts.

Why Culture is Everything When It Comes to Generosity

Ever noticed how teens start dressing and talking like one giant collective after enough time together? It’s like osmosis but for fashion and slang. This is proof that culture shapes behavior.

Jesus was a Master at this. Of course, He wasn’t primarily concerned with how His followers dressed and talked (although He did give specific commandments on speech–see Matthew 5:34). Instead, Jesus modeled a life of obedience to God–demonstrating healing, prayer, holiness, and righteousness right in the thick of everyday life.

Likewise, it’s crucial that we model generosity in church, creating a culture that affects how we spend, save, give, believe, and operate. Creating a culture of generosity is far more effective than simply telling your church members to give. Why? Because giving is tough. When you're asking folks to redirect their cash flow from their wallets to the church, you’re asking them to swim against a pretty strong cultural current of consumerism, impulsive purchasing, and finance-related stress.

But, get this right—cultivate a genuine spirit of Biblical generosity—and watch as it sets off a domino effect of open-handed giving across your entire church.

How to Craft a Culture of Generosity in 7 Steps

1. Start with Scripture

Radical generosity isn’t something that church leaders have invented to fund the Church. It’s in the Bible! That being said, your culture of generosity should start with Scripture. Creating a Biblical series on why to give can be a powerful catalyst for culture-making in your community. And you certainly won’t have to scrape the barrel to find Scripture to support your teaching: The Bible is chock-full of teaching on generosity, from Boaz’s radical kindness to Ruth (Ruth 2:1–16) to Jesus honoring the widow’s mite (Luke 21:1-4) to Paul’s admonishment to give genuinely from the heart (2 Corinthians 9:6-8).

Dive deep into Scripture and Biblical stories that explore generosity, and your church members will learn how important giving is to God. Not only that, but they’ll begin to understand the joy, reward, and heart transformation that comes with surrendering finances to the Lord.

Check out 100+ verses on giving from our friends at Tithely here.

2. Model Giving

If you want a church of generous givers, start by being one yourself. Show your church members how it’s done by letting them peek into the church budget to see where the money flows—be it missions, local nonprofits, or church planting initiatives.

Not only that, but make sure that your personal life also reflects a life of radical generosity. Do you tithe? Do you give above and beyond? Do you seek to help out brothers and sisters who are in need? Radical giving starts with leadership showing how it’s done.

3. Share Testimonies

Nothing sparks joy quite like hearing how an act of outrageous giving changed someone’s life for good (If you need inspiration, just look to Jimmy Dart’s Instagram for story after story of giving that changes lives). But your testimonies don’t all need to be about how someone received a new car or had their mortage paid off in a moment. Small gifts also add up–and you can be sure that when your church members see the power of tithes and offerings in action to influence communities both local and overseas, they’ll want to give more.

If making giving public feels like a challenge, know that it’s possible to give without boasting. Testimonies aren’t sourced from the giver–they’re sourced from the receiver! You can be sure that when people respond to need in secret, “holy gossip” will ensure. In other words, people will share stories of generosity. Giving isn’t meant to be a source of pride! (See Matthew 6:3 to learn what Jesus had to say about that).

4. Make Giving Easy

We live in the age of convenience. If someone can donate with a couple of clicks on their smartphone, they’re more likely to do it on impulse. Set up online giving through apps and websites, and don’t forget the old-fashioned "giving kiosks" in your lobby. If it’s easier to give to your church than to buy a latte, you’re on the right track.

Check out Breeze Giving to learn more about how to make donations fast and simple at your church.

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5. Throw a Party for Your Givers

Who doesn’t love a good party? Make givers feel like rockstars with special events (a taco truck after church will surely be appreciated), personalized thank you notes, and even small gifts to show them you care. A little gratitude goes a long way in fostering a spirit of generosity, and lets donors know that you appreciate generosity.

6. Get Small Groups Talking About Money

Yes, it’s awkward. But imagine small groups where people are actually excited to talk about generosity, stewardship, and the impact of giving on the Christian life. By teaching on generosity during weekend services, you can get some spicy conversations going throughout the week. Encourage your small group leaders to bring up challenging topics surrounding finances, trust, and tithing (But please, keep specific numbers out of the conversation–no one wants to hear others brag about how much they give!)

7. Leverage Technology and Media

Why not get creative, and use the power of technology and media to inspire more giving? Start a podcast or blog series focusing on themes of generosity and stewardship. Highlight stories from your church, discuss Biblical principles, and share tips on living a generous life. Use social media platforms to broadcast your church's giving opportunities, share inspirational quotes about generosity, and celebrate milestones in your fundraising initiatives. And remember–always include a clear call-to-action to give in all your digital media. Online giving helps to make this step simple!

Over to You

Setting up a culture of generosity in your church is a bit like planting a garden. It takes time, patience, and a lot of nurturing—but the harvest? Well, that’s both bountiful and beautiful. Inject a little fun into the process, remind your congregation that it’s not just about the money, but about embodying God's grace and living as true followers of Christ. Watch as your church transforms into a powerhouse of generosity, sparking life change and joy across the community.

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