Online Contributions Auto Assigned to People
For churches using our integrated Stripe or PayPal options to receive online donations or collect online form payments, life just got easier. Up until now many of these contributions would need to be manually assigned to their corresponding profile so that the donor received credit for their donation. This step was an effort to make sure the correct person was credited as giving the gift, especially in the case of multiple people sharing the same name.
For a little while now we've thought we could do better by providing more automation to this process and today we're excited to announce that this update is live. Contributions and form payments that use Stripe or PayPal will attempt to be automatically matched with the correct person in the database. This means when people contribute, you don't have to do a thing - the contribution is automatically attributed to the correct person.
Even with this upgrade to Breeze's brain, there still may be some cases where Breeze doesn't know who gave a contribution. You'll still be able to associate these payments by navigating to the new "Associations" section located at "More > Contributions > Associations".
So how does the matching work? Breeze looks for one of the following to be true:
1) Name on Credit Card is similar to Breeze profile name and payment email address matches Breeze profile email address.
2) Name on Credit Card is similar to Breeze profile name and payment billing street address matches Breeze profile street address.
We hope this update allows you to spend more time and energy doing ministry rather than having to match people's contributions up with their profiles. Enjoy the extra time!
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