September Updates Blog
Here at Breeze, we dream about making your job at the church easier.
Everything you do makes a difference and we’re here to help and offer support. You juggle a lot of tasks and hopefully this post will provide some added efficiency to your daily routine and offer some increased functionality you’ll find useful.
Here goes...
5 questions...5 updates
Previously, hidden people were not visible to their own family members, even when given the My Profile > Access to My Family Members permission.
This caused a need for more specialized user roles to be created and in some cases, granting view access to more member information than desired.
Now, Restricting Access From a specific tag works in conjunction with Access to My Family Members in user roles, allowing hidden family members to be visible to their own family.
If John and Jane have the “Access to My Family Members” permission, they are able to see Jack.
You can now assign user permissions to include Access to My Family Members and know that even if a family member is hidden from others, they will be visible to their own family.
Until recently, you had to Assign Follow Ups one person at a time.
That can be tedious when assigning the same follow up to several different people within one data entry session.
You can now Assign Follow Ups to multiple people at the same time. This allows you to organize your connection cards and Assign Follow Ups much quicker!
When your workflow is hindered in any way, like stopping to mouse-click through a contribution screen vs. continuous tabbing, it can be frustrating.
A small but helpful update has been made allowing you to tab through the entire Add Contribution screen, including entering split contributions.
When it comes to data entry, flow and efficiency are key.
If so, you may want to check out the newly added advanced options.
This latest update allows you to alter the embedded code to pre-populate an amount, frequency, and fund for the user to give to.
This opens some creative and fun ways to use online giving pages (e.g. embedding it right in a mission trip donation support page pre-populated with an amount to the mission trip fund).
Until now, your options have been fairly limited when embedding your giving page. These advanced options open new possibilities for customized uses.
You now have two ways to gain access to your account.
Because we know you use Breeze on a daily basis, access should be easy. Now you have additional routes to get where you need.
Blessings to all of you as you fulfill your missions!
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