Surviving Fall Ministry Fatigue

Surviving Fall Ministry Fatigue

Aaron Buer

Digital giving apps and tools

I’m not really a car guy.

In fact, usually when I attempt to fix something on my car, I usually break something else.

This is particularly disappointing because I grew up around cars. As a kid, I watched my dad restore a muscle car.

The thing is, I know an awful lot about cars. I just don’t seem to have the mechanical knack for fixing them myself.

Growing up around my dad, I learned that it really isn’t a good idea to drive around on "E".

And I’m not just talking about the potential for running out of gas and being stranded along the highway. No, driving around on empty is a bad idea because your fuel pump could start sucking air which could cause damage. Secondly, there is actually dirt in your gas tank that settles to the bottom. Normally this isn’t a problem but when you drive around on empty that dirt gets sucked into your engine.

In short, driving around on empty is a gamble. The chances of something bad happening to your engine are greatly increased.

So, what are we doing here?

This is not a blog about cars! What does this have to do with ministry and church leadership?

Here’s why I’m bringing this up: It’s not just dangerous for cars to drive around on "E". I think it’s dangerous for people too.

When we operate on fumes — emotionally, physically and spiritually, it’s risky. We’re much more likely to snap at people, cut corners, forget important details and most importantly, we are much more vulnerable to temptation.

And, if there is ever a time when many of us are running around on "E", it’s during the fall ministry launch.

It’s during the fall launch that I most often hear comments like this:

“I haven’t taken a day off since...”
“I haven’t attended an adult worship service since..”

This is the season when we are working 50 or 60 hour weeks in a scramble to launch programs and respond to issues and crises. Let’s be real, it’s far too easy to run ourselves into the red during the fall ministry season.

In the midst of this, I’m reminded of something our senior pastor constantly says to our staff.

“The most important gift you bring to your church is not your talent or gifting. It’s a vibrant relationship with Jesus and a faith that’s worth having.”

This is a truth that I constantly need to be reminded of, especially during this season.

So, let’s talk about how to stay out of the red zone and keep ourselves emotionally, physically and spiritually healthy this fall.

I believe it comes down to intentionally filling our tanks. Here are two ways to do this:

Budget Your Time

I’ve decided that the following phrase is basically worthless:

“When things slow down...”

I’ll take a break when things slow down.

I’ll get back to my small group when things slow down.

I’ll go on a date with my spouse when things slow down.

In my experience, this phrase is just a fancy way of saying never. Why? Because things never slow down.

If we want to be healthy leaders who thrive over the long-haul, we can’t be passive when it comes to taking care of ourselves. No, we need to budget our time the same way we budget our money. Tell it where it go.

With money, wise people start by saving and giving and then spend what is left. We should do the same with our time.

Start each week by budgeting time for Sabbath rest, exercise and other activities that restore our minds, souls and bodies. Then, fill in the rest with work and ministry.

I firmly believe that it is possible to not only survive busy ministry seasons but to actually thrive. However, it won’t happen on accident. I would encourage you to sit down and budget your time and create a plan for thriving during this fall launch.

Strategic Rest

Wise people know when they will get close to "E".

I have a friend who packs a hearty snack for his drive home after work because he knows that he gets “hangry” around 4:00 and it turns out that a “hangry” dad and four little kids is not a great combo.

He knows when he’s going to start falling apart and he plans for it.

As church leaders, we should be aware of ourselves in the same way. I tend to fall apart late October because of launch fatigue and around March because in Michigan we don’t see the sun from about January to April.

For whatever reason, each of us experiences low points during the year.

Leaders who stay healthy and engaged over the long-haul are intentional about scheduling rest during these low seasons. The typical pattern is that we finally recognize we need a break after something bad happens — we lose it on a co-worker, we break down in a meeting, or we just can’t get out of bed on a Monday.

Sadly, by the time we recognize that we need rest, we are overdue. We really needed a break two weeks before this moment!

Also, let’s be real, while we were plodding along, unaware that we were operating on fumes, our co-workers and families have been well aware that we need a break.

How much better would it be to strategically plan a weekend away or a few days off in advance. If you are like me and you fall apart in October and March then plan a break in early October and the end of February.

I believe this will make a world of difference.

Sometimes we need a little help understanding when it is that we fall apart. I would encourage you to ask your spouse, trusted friends and co-workers. Usually the people close to you know what parts of each day and what parts of the year your tank gets low.

Wrap Up

This season is challenging.

We’re in this game because we love and feel called to ministry but let’s be honest about how draining this season can be.

Instead of surviving this fall, let’s thrive and let’s do it by intentionally scheduling rest by budgeting our time and by strategically planning breaks during time when we know we’ll be running on fumes.

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