100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Using the Tithely suite of products has shown to increase average gift size, % of people that set up automatic recurring giving, and the total number of gifts made by each person during the year.
For more questions, visit our FAQ page
Over 11,000+ churches use Breeze every week to run everything from membership to service planning, contribution management and communications.
Yes! When you sign up for Breeze, you’ll have full access to the system for 30 days before any billing begins.
Breeze bills monthly on the same date as your original sign-up. For example, if you sign up on January 5, 2025, your first payment will be processed on February 5, 2025, and then on the 5th of each subsequent month.
You can upgrade (or downgrade) any time with no penalties.
Absolutely! We’ll handle your data migration from your current system to Breeze at no extra cost, regardless of which package you choose.
Yes! All Breeze users enjoy access to chat, email, and phone support.